I'll TODAY 'Today you about a group emerged from the depths of my memory. I had the time (circa 2003 beautiful "three hours" on a blog. Only by seeking the trace of this group, my memory playing tricks, I lost an "i" spelling Komeit on google.
02 Three Hours by ludochem
This group has indeed existed (which I was seriously starting to doubt it). They are Dusseldorf, released a Lp "Falling Into Place" in 2002 and an album remixed by Robert Lippock . their music is very nostalgic and I discovered today that they have taken a of my favorite groups Shoegaze Slowdive, and the recovery is still sublime!
a drum discrete, crystaline the guitar, and vocals and Chris Flor Julia Kliemann that complement each other perfectly. A formula that has attracted almost no one at the time and with which The XX have met with great success last year when we have completely lost track of this German duo. An injustice that this blog will attempt to repair aujoud'hui.
their website fossilized 2004
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