Wednesday, February 28, 2007

How Possible Combinations In 5


The theme this year was declined as the "A common culture ..." Therefore, what is more normal than to discover the diversity of cultures through the kitchen?
From 21 to 29 April 2007 , the library began to honor the many books she has on the theme of world cuisines (Italian, Japanese, French, etc.).
67 entries to our contest "A rainbow in your plate" were awarded and five of them drawn April 25 . The winners received gift vouchers a Read amounting to € 10 .
This Wednesday, April 25 still bookmarks, recipes , thematic bibliography, candy ... were distributed throughout the day! A gourmet evening closed all ... and we could enjoy, thanks to the help of one of our reader originally from Kinshasa, a traditional recipe for beignets ...
Our Business:
A digital public space "Toile de Magritte held a workshop on "looking for recipes on the Internet" from 17 to 18 H (for everyone)
In the "Library" were held a workshop "Storytime: stories more stories ... "16 to 17 H (5-10 years) and a fun workshop:" Let's play ... "17 to 18 H (for everyone)


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