Monday, May 4, 2009

Do North Face Fleeces Shrink In Wash

The debate in France

The Massage Therapy Profession in France, is not recognized in Quebec. In Quebec, even if we do not figurons in the official list of the occupations listed by the government, the profession is governed by several professional associations, and public recognition is such that there is a "peaceful coexistence" between therapists and the medical community in general.
From this peaceful coexistence that Christian Lamontagne (columnist and founder of PasseportSanté.net) addresses on his blog.
You can read his article here .

In France, for quite a long time, alternative therapies have been regularly called into question. I remember that my osteopath was regularly in litigation against the College of Physicians, not because he had poor handling, but because of osteopathy is not sacrosanct in the eyes of regulatory Order.
Today, the massage-therapists who oppose the "practitioners massage wellness." Or rather all-new College of massage therapists. In the last few days
circulating a petition in support of these therapists and act as an acknowledgment of wellness massages in France.

The full text of this petition:


In our modern, stressful, sometimes aggressive and violent, we need more communication, friendliness, gentleness and well-being.

massage well-being (*), which is an art of touch, a non-verbal communication, an approach is practiced throughout the world for millennia, is presented as an appropriate response.
This universal tradition belongs to every citizen, but must be regulated when it is delivered against payment by professionals.
past two decades, professionals, practitioners Massage Well-Being, formed, meet the demands with competence, ethics and generosity.
Many new jobs were created and in the professions, business, in spa centers, beauty, fitness, spa, etc.. These are professionals who practice massage well-being and who are competent. They have received specific training in special schools.


For example, the sensational trial brought to Joel SAVATOFSKI about "Seated Massage" - delivered on motorway service areas, and introduced as part of road safety - Have been lost by the Union of Physiotherapists (see "The Case Wellness Massage", ed. Yves MICHEL).
Justice and confirmed the validity of this initiative and the right to exercise it.
We see a campaign of intimidation orchestrated by the all new College of physiotherapists. This unfair campaign aims to scare. It evokes announcement effect of pseudo-hazards such as "massage can kill," sought to capture the practice of massage well-being. Through letters and verbal threats, it is not only practitioners but also the structures that house or users of massage well-being.
This is totally unacceptable in our country of freedom and doubly outrageous since the occupation of Physiotherapist has no legitimate claim to exclusivity of all massages.
It is therefore imperative that such intimidation stop, whatever the forms, because they affect both health than individual freedoms. They seek only to delay the official recognition of a booming economy, enriching cultural practice that has public support and a certain quality of life.
( *) The practitioners FFMBE with intent and purpose as the well-being of the person, the techniques practiced in the absence of diagnostic and therapeutic, are not similar in any way, neither in content nor in the objectives in the practice of physiotherapy and any medical practice.


We invite all those involved: practitioners, users, supporters, celebrities, media, associations, elected officials, various organizations ... to join us for Public Authorities recognition of Massage-Wellness and put an end to the hypocrisy in this area.

You can go sign this petition if a cause dear to your heart,
by clicking this link here . You can also share your stories by leaving your comments below the articles ( here or here ).