- musculoskeletal Massage: The therapist works on the muscles and joints of the person. The various maneuvers each have a particular role. For example, the strokes, which are charged at the beginning of a massage, will prepare fabrics, warm, so they can receive deeper maneuvers. The therapist uses oil.
In these massages musculoskeletal found Swedish massage, the most common, and which combines firmness and smoothness using effleurage, kneading, friction and percussion, among other maneuvers. Sports massage, which prepares athletes for the effort (or repair after exercise ...) based on the Swedish massage in the majority of his maneuvers by adding some specific maneuvers (compression, cross fiber friction, etc. .) and the use of cryotherapy (use of cold for repair) or hydrotherapy.
Physical therapy as practiced in Quebec is considered musculoskeletal therapy, but does not use oil. The physiotherapist uses the movement to correct a structural problem or related to injury or trauma. The massage therapists in Quebec, are trained in Swedish massage and physical therapy afterwards.
Physical therapy as practiced in Quebec is considered musculoskeletal therapy, but does not use oil. The physiotherapist uses the movement to correct a structural problem or related to injury or trauma. The massage therapists in Quebec, are trained in Swedish massage and physical therapy afterwards.
- The psycho-body massage: The therapist will apply very soft and smooth maneuvers to bring the person to an awareness of his being. Found in this category Californian massage, a descendant of Swedish massage, which was developed as part of personal development workshops, and Esalen massage. Approaching the California massage, Hawaiian massage, or lomi lomi, is also part of this category.
- Energy Massage: Polarity seeks to balance the energy flow in the body and can link them to specific points. Amma massage, Japanese (and ancestor of shiatsu massage) includes stretching, energy scans, pressure and percussion, all without oil. The goal of Amma massage is to distribute energy throughout the body, starting from the center toward the ends.
- Shiatsu is a Japanese massage based on acupuncture, but without the needles! He brings a faster healing by helping the energy flow better in the body along the meridians, and by the pressure from the therapist. The word Shiatsu comes from union ideograms "shi" meaning finger and "ATSU" which means pressure.
- Ayurvedic Massage: Ayurveda means knowledge of life. This is a deep knowledge and spiritual legacy of ancient India. It is a philosophy and lifestyle. Ayurveda teaches how to balance energy on all levels (physical, vital, mental, emotional and spiritual). Ayurvedic medicine is one of the oldest medicines, it deals primarily with the person and not the disease. Ayurvedic massage is therefore based on the principles of Ayurveda.
- traditional Thai massage or Thai yoga: it takes floor on a mattress and the person receiving the massage is dressed. Some yoga postures are strung together with the therapist makes pressure points and gentle stretching to the patient.
- drainage lymphatic massage technique that brings great relaxation technique because it is a very slow and soft. It aims primarily to promote the elimination of toxins by improving lymph circulation. This massage enhances the immune system.
massages in broad generalities all obey certain principles such as listening to the body (and limitations) and respect for the person, and bring most of the time tension relief, relaxation, a certain awareness of the body and harmonize the body-mind (psycho-somatic arousal).
All massage therapists are trained professionals in schools serious and rigorous, meeting the requirements of the different federations of massage therapists. Feel free to ask your therapist what was their training!
Classify different types of massage is not an obvious operation because there are many kinds. But it is important to know the different characteristics of these massages, since each will have a massage and a different style, and more or less match your needs. If you wish to comment or ask questions after this article, comments are here for, just ask!
Some interesting links:
Swedish massage
Manual lymphatic drainage massage
Thai massage Californian
All massage therapists are trained professionals in schools serious and rigorous, meeting the requirements of the different federations of massage therapists. Feel free to ask your therapist what was their training!
Classify different types of massage is not an obvious operation because there are many kinds. But it is important to know the different characteristics of these massages, since each will have a massage and a different style, and more or less match your needs. If you wish to comment or ask questions after this article, comments are here for, just ask!
Some interesting links:
Swedish massage
Manual lymphatic drainage massage
Thai massage Californian