Friday, December 25, 2009

What Does Mottling Skin Look Like

Happy Holidays to everyone, met wonderful new friends!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

What Does Chat Mean On Facebook

Dogs are not cats ...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Gay Cruise Spots In Austin, Tx

The days pass and I'm tired. Tired of tying my shoelaces that constantly untie.
shoelace charmer will not let me breathe. He unties my newly tied knots.

Tomorrow is decided, I buy shoes with Velcro.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cervix High Soft 5 Days Before Period

discounts on gift certificates Promotions

Not sure yet what to give your loved ones for Christmas?
So I may be a solution ... 1 to December 15, enjoy a special rate offer holiday gift certificates and massages!

- $ 50 for a 1 hour massage (instead of 60 $)
- $ 70 for a massage of 1 hour 30 minutes (instead of $ 80)

To obtain these certificates, contact me at 514 652-5048 so that I will explain how to buy.

The promotion is valid only on purchases of gift certificates.

There are no promotions on massage booked in December. Regular rates are still $ 60 for 1 hour massage and $ 80 for 1 h 30 massage.

Happy Holidays New Year to all and good rest!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Job For Brazilian At Johnstown

The other day I was in town, sitting on a bench waiting for the doors of department stores open. And as the weather was long, I began to scribble on a piece of notebook. In front of me, Y'avait this girl, a redhead with dreadlocks (he was the first time I saw the red dread, I must say it is amazing).

Then I began to scribble on paper a vague look studded with freckles, full cheeks that still tell the children nearby, heavy locks of hair knotted intermingled with finer dancing the ... wind comes up.

landed on my page a twig. I hunt for breathing. But to my amazement, there she begins to sprout in the hair of my paper redhead. Then, as if the mass of graphite hair had suddenly wanted to compete with a botanical garden, began to hatch wild flowers and ivy.

The wind blows harder, then brought on my page two blue birds. Without doubt they had to find the nice place, because without waiting, they established their nest on top of the building végétalo-capillary. And very quickly, the wind sounded in the twittering of three small acute neonatal chicks.

Air Sharia still a lot of seeds and leaves without it disturbs the least my girl paper.

As for me, in this wind, his eyes began to sting me (especially since I tend to have some allergies to grasses). By reflex, so I rubbed my eyes. When I reopen, the wind had calmed.

Instead of which would be the redheaded girl, there was only one pen blue fine swirling gently.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Brown Blood In Discharge Implantation

winter fast approaching, it's time to get out of their long summer break, scarves, hats and wool sweaters. But maybe after this month will you sleep unpleasantly surprised to find in your favorite garment, the holes! Granted, this may be useful for ventilation, if the holes are positioned ergonomically. But I must admit that often prevails over anarchy and chaos in the appearance of these said holes ...

D'you say no, they are the work of moths. But you and me, actually moths are a myth!

holes in your mufflers and other sweater is a sign that your wardrobe has a squatter: I named the terrible dragon devouring wool!

recognizable by his cap he never leaves, it is virtually impossible to remove once installed. Only solution, give food in a sweater or two to occupy it, while quietly you move your wardrobe in place. You have been warned ...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ceiling Mount Curtain

The other day during a moment of intense reflection, I wondered why it was often in the literature faunas in playing the pan flute ... then it is common knowledge Common wildlife that spends his time pilfer keys of poor people and not to experiment with musical talent!

But faced with many images and carvings of his vile little dressed kleptomaniac of wind instruments, I think we should accept the idea that there was, was a time, a class of Faunas apart ... probably specialized in stealing clefs.

(click on image to see a larger specimen that now endangered)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Vacate Apartment Letter

Often, when one loses his keys accuses it (or it accuses others as appropriate) of lack of vigilance and concentration, it is alleged to be head in the air or have their minds elsewhere ... but we often forget that if the key is lost mainly because of the "Wildlife key thief."

For proof keys disappear all the time when we need it. If it was a natural phenomenon, statistically, they would disappear anytime. But no, it's always when they are seeking they disappear ...

Now the next time your keys evaporate, no doubt most of yourself or your loved ones, know that it probably once again, the "thief Wildlife key s".

that, I'm leaving in search of mine ...

(above: diagram of the vile thief key story that you know what to expect if you want to try to prevent harm ...)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sample Reference For Community Service Work

A little bit of accordion on this Sunday afternoon .

Friday, August 28, 2009

Compare Bra Cup Sizes

Here is a sketch made in the train that brought me back to the forest Brocéliande up with me, which I then smeared some colors with me dropping a little.

line is the original if some want to try to smear their turn

(click to have it bigger)

here and clicking on the link to the colo Mikak who made a superb setting color

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Letter Ideas For Catholic Confirmation Letter

(click image to enlarge)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Motor Home Depreciation Rate

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Nike Womens Greco Mid Premium

A small pencil sketches where I wanted to push a little contrast. (click on image to view larger)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ym Show My Femeale Pierced Nippels

I wanted to do drawing together all the heroes of the blogs I visit daily, so I'm amused to redraw all the characters trying to be as faithful as possible to the originals. (click on image to view larger)

You will of course recognized by order of appearance

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sample Of Tv Show Proposal

After a few months away, the blog is back. Thank you to everyone who sent me messages of encouragement during this time.

Drawing Day, Mother's Day requires, is a watercolor that I gave to my mom ^ ^
(click image to see the entire drawing)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sample Letter For Community Service


June 21 to July 21, 2009, enjoy my summer promotions:

Massage 1 hour: $ 45
Massage 1 hr 30: $ 65

Talk about it! Hope to meet you!

* Offer valid only in the clinic of osteopathy Mile End, located at 5237 A, Avenue du Parc, Montreal

* To make an appointment, call 514 652-5048

Monday, May 4, 2009

Do North Face Fleeces Shrink In Wash

The debate in France

The Massage Therapy Profession in France, is not recognized in Quebec. In Quebec, even if we do not figurons in the official list of the occupations listed by the government, the profession is governed by several professional associations, and public recognition is such that there is a "peaceful coexistence" between therapists and the medical community in general.
From this peaceful coexistence that Christian Lamontagne (columnist and founder of PasseportSanté.net) addresses on his blog.
You can read his article here .

In France, for quite a long time, alternative therapies have been regularly called into question. I remember that my osteopath was regularly in litigation against the College of Physicians, not because he had poor handling, but because of osteopathy is not sacrosanct in the eyes of regulatory Order.
Today, the massage-therapists who oppose the "practitioners massage wellness." Or rather all-new College of massage therapists. In the last few days
circulating a petition in support of these therapists and act as an acknowledgment of wellness massages in France.

The full text of this petition:


In our modern, stressful, sometimes aggressive and violent, we need more communication, friendliness, gentleness and well-being.

massage well-being (*), which is an art of touch, a non-verbal communication, an approach is practiced throughout the world for millennia, is presented as an appropriate response.
This universal tradition belongs to every citizen, but must be regulated when it is delivered against payment by professionals.
past two decades, professionals, practitioners Massage Well-Being, formed, meet the demands with competence, ethics and generosity.
Many new jobs were created and in the professions, business, in spa centers, beauty, fitness, spa, etc.. These are professionals who practice massage well-being and who are competent. They have received specific training in special schools.


For example, the sensational trial brought to Joel SAVATOFSKI about "Seated Massage" - delivered on motorway service areas, and introduced as part of road safety - Have been lost by the Union of Physiotherapists (see "The Case Wellness Massage", ed. Yves MICHEL).
Justice and confirmed the validity of this initiative and the right to exercise it.
We see a campaign of intimidation orchestrated by the all new College of physiotherapists. This unfair campaign aims to scare. It evokes announcement effect of pseudo-hazards such as "massage can kill," sought to capture the practice of massage well-being. Through letters and verbal threats, it is not only practitioners but also the structures that house or users of massage well-being.
This is totally unacceptable in our country of freedom and doubly outrageous since the occupation of Physiotherapist has no legitimate claim to exclusivity of all massages.
It is therefore imperative that such intimidation stop, whatever the forms, because they affect both health than individual freedoms. They seek only to delay the official recognition of a booming economy, enriching cultural practice that has public support and a certain quality of life.
( *) The practitioners FFMBE with intent and purpose as the well-being of the person, the techniques practiced in the absence of diagnostic and therapeutic, are not similar in any way, neither in content nor in the objectives in the practice of physiotherapy and any medical practice.


We invite all those involved: practitioners, users, supporters, celebrities, media, associations, elected officials, various organizations ... to join us for Public Authorities recognition of Massage-Wellness and put an end to the hypocrisy in this area.

You can go sign this petition if a cause dear to your heart,
by clicking this link here . You can also share your stories by leaving your comments below the articles ( here or here ).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tie Around Penis Stripper

What is massage therapy?

Massage therapy, as its name suggests, is a combination of massage movements, helping to relieve tension and bodily well-being to physical and psychological. These maneuvers affect the skin, tendons, muscles and ligaments, but some massage can also have specific effects on a énergétique.À noted that the term appeared in the Oxford dictionary only since 2008, and is considered a term specific to Quebec.

  • musculoskeletal Massage: The therapist works on the muscles and joints of the person. The various maneuvers each have a particular role. For example, the strokes, which are charged at the beginning of a massage, will prepare fabrics, warm, so they can receive deeper maneuvers. The therapist uses oil.
In these massages musculoskeletal found Swedish massage, the most common, and which combines firmness and smoothness using effleurage, kneading, friction and percussion, among other maneuvers. Sports massage, which prepares athletes for the effort (or repair after exercise ...) based on the Swedish massage in the majority of his maneuvers by adding some specific maneuvers (compression, cross fiber friction, etc. .) and the use of cryotherapy (use of cold for repair) or hydrotherapy.
Physical therapy as practiced in Quebec is considered musculoskeletal therapy, but does not use oil. The physiotherapist uses the movement to correct a structural problem or related to injury or trauma. The massage therapists in Quebec, are trained in Swedish massage and physical therapy afterwards.

  • The psycho-body massage: The therapist will apply very soft and smooth maneuvers to bring the person to an awareness of his being. Found in this category Californian massage, a descendant of Swedish massage, which was developed as part of personal development workshops, and Esalen massage. Approaching the California massage, Hawaiian massage, or lomi lomi, is also part of this category.
  • Energy Massage: Polarity seeks to balance the energy flow in the body and can link them to specific points. Amma massage, Japanese (and ancestor of shiatsu massage) includes stretching, energy scans, pressure and percussion, all without oil. The goal of Amma massage is to distribute energy throughout the body, starting from the center toward the ends.
  • Shiatsu is a Japanese massage based on acupuncture, but without the needles! He brings a faster healing by helping the energy flow better in the body along the meridians, and by the pressure from the therapist. The word Shiatsu comes from union ideograms "shi" meaning finger and "ATSU" which means pressure.
  • Ayurvedic Massage: Ayurveda means knowledge of life. This is a deep knowledge and spiritual legacy of ancient India. It is a philosophy and lifestyle. Ayurveda teaches how to balance energy on all levels (physical, vital, mental, emotional and spiritual). Ayurvedic medicine is one of the oldest medicines, it deals primarily with the person and not the disease. Ayurvedic massage is therefore based on the principles of Ayurveda.
Here is a very interesting link that explains Ayurveda.
  • traditional Thai massage or Thai yoga: it takes floor on a mattress and the person receiving the massage is dressed. Some yoga postures are strung together with the therapist makes pressure points and gentle stretching to the patient.
  • drainage lymphatic massage technique that brings great relaxation technique because it is a very slow and soft. It aims primarily to promote the elimination of toxins by improving lymph circulation. This massage enhances the immune system.
massages in broad generalities all obey certain principles such as listening to the body (and limitations) and respect for the person, and bring most of the time tension relief, relaxation, a certain awareness of the body and harmonize the body-mind (psycho-somatic arousal).

All massage therapists are trained professionals in schools serious and rigorous, meeting the requirements of the different federations of massage therapists. Feel free to ask your therapist what was their training!

Classify different types of massage is not an obvious operation because there are many kinds. But it is important to know the different characteristics of these massages, since each will have a massage and a different style, and more or less match your needs. If you wish to comment or ask questions after this article, comments are here for, just ask!

Some interesting links:
Swedish massage
Manual lymphatic drainage massage

Thai massage Californian

Friday, February 13, 2009

Instructions For Simple Human Soap Dispenser

A surprising encounter amid the flowers ...