Thursday, October 9, 2008

After My Brazilian Wax, She Gave Me Hand Job

On Radio-Canada, you can find up tomorrow a very interesting series of stories that you can listen in the archive. Just click on the links!

"The documentary series

A radio series presented from October 6 to 10 from 10 am to 11 pm 30.

If the generation of baby boomers are in better shape than was the previous generation, the lifestyle in Western societies however, is often synonymous with overwork. The diet of the majority is now lacking, and much of the population prefers sedentary leisure. With a health system to the brink of collapse and the increasing incidence of diabetes, hypertension and cancer, it is time to act.

Living otherwise is:

  • a series of Mario Proulx radio broadcast from 10 am to 11 pm Monday through Friday;
  • a phone run by Johane Despins, 11 am to 11 pm Monday 30 Friday,
  • a book that presents the content a dozen interviews for the series, published by Bayard Canada;
  • a major conference with distinguished guests at the University of Montreal, October 6 from 19 am 30-21 am 30;
  • a book, a platform for users who want to share their journey to stay healthy.

Living otherwise, it is mainly a call for change, so that everyone rediscovers the pleasures of a balanced life.

Understanding facilitators blog

Mario Proulx, director series otherwise Living
Artist and designer, Mario Proulx has worked in media for over 35 years. In radio and television, he held senior journalist, host and producer. Among his radio documentaries include The planet men on masculinity, Academy Char our relationship with the automobile and many series on creating and artists such The road songs , History in song and Me, my songs .

Danielle Foucart - host of the blog
He holds a BA in History and a Master of Education, Danielle Foucart worked for 30 years in the media. At the First Channel, she was a researcher for three years, for transmission on the 50 and over In these days . She has acquired many ideas on how to age in good health, notions that she incorporated into her lifestyle. His motto: "Just because you eat healthy to eat sad! "The book

Mario Proulx met some fifty people to carry out a series radio five hours. It provides, in a book, a version that reflects the ideas expressed in interviews with 11 of these persons:

  • Christophe André
  • Christine Angelard
  • Alain Beauregard
  • Jean-Louis Brazier
  • Richard Knight
  • Serge Marquis
  • Matthieu Ricard
  • David Servan-Schreiber
  • Arnaud Desjardins
  • Father Benoît Lacroix
  • Martin Juneau

All those interviewed by Mario Proulx

Phyllis Amato Psychologist

Christophe André, French psychiatrist and author of The Art of Happiness , The Iconoclast Editions, 2006, and Imperfects, free and happy , publish Odile Jacob 2005

Christine Angelard , consultant physician and overall health.

Alain Beauregard, physicist and entrepreneur, was cured of cancer who had been diagnosed with incurable

Richard Beliveau, Chair in Prevention and Treatment Cancer, University of Quebec at Montreal, coauthor of foods against cancer , Solar Publishing, 2006, and Cooking with food against cancer , Robert Rose, 2006.

Robert Beliveau, MD, coauthor of The four key personal balance , Logic Publishing, 2008 (reprint)

Boislard John, MD

Jean-Louis Brazier , pharmacologist

Richard Knight, professor of physical education, lecturer and author of On your marks, ready, healthy! , Prentice Hall, 2006

Michel Chicoine psychiatrist

Guy Corneau, psychoanalyst, has recovered from cancer and author.

Jean-Charles Crombez , MD, founder of the method and author ECHO

Arnaud Desjardins , spiritual teacher, author and former producer for the French.

Francoise Desrosiers, osteopath

Sylvie Dodin, a gynecologist, Chair Lucie and André Chagnon for integrated medicine, Laval University

Lucie Douville , founder of the magazine Living

Diane Drouin, patient who is treated with two types of medicine

Jean Drouin, MD, a specialist in complementary approaches, author of Healing his life, The White Dolphin, 2006

Jocelyna Dubuc, founder and president Spa Eastman

Daniel Dufour, MD, specialist of emotions, the author of unnecessary Dams (2005), The wound of abandonment (2007) and domestic Tremor (2003)

Eugenie Francoeur journalist

Roselyne Gagnon , naturopath

Louis Gauthier, holistic dentist

Carl Honore , journalist, author of In Praise of Slow , Marabout , 2005

Annie Hudon journalist

Betty Jeannin

Martin Juneau, Cardiologist, Montreal Heart Institute

Marie-Lise Labonte , author The site http://www.marieliselabonte . com /

Father Benoît Lacroix

Pierre Larose, holistic dentist

Denise Lawrence, practice meditation

Serge Marquis, physician in occupational medicine, lecturer and author of Welcome among humans , Ed. Turtle, 1998

Luke Mercury

Pierre Mercure

Sylvie Morin, MD

Vincent Paquette, neuropsychologist

Isabel Pastor, director of a clinic in Nepal

François-Marie Pepin , acupuncturist

Matthieu Ricard, Buddhist monk, French translator of the Dalai Lama, author of Advocacy happiness, Nile, 2003, The monk and the philosopher , Nile, 1997, and with, Infinity in the palm of the hand: the Big Bang to the awakening , Nile, 1997

Joanne Riou , founder of the Centre québécois neuro linguistic programming

Jean-Claude Rodet , nutri, organic food expert, author

Ingrid Schutt, homeopath

Joan Ruvinsky , yoga teacher

David Servan-Schreiber , psychiatrist, in remission from cancer and author of Healing , 2003, and Anticancer , Editions Robert Laffont-, 2007

Véronique Tanguay , aromatherapist

Rémy Tremblay, founder of Leadership Esse

Mikaël Zayat , a specialist in aromatherapy "