A has telier writing for children September to December year held
27, 28 and 29 December from 10am to 12pm with
Françoise Pirart
27, 28 and 29 December from 10am to 12pm with
Françoise Pirart
Excerpts :
If I had magical powers ... :
" I'd be invisible! I could annoy my enemies and I would scare them visible again! " Bohemond
" I am strong! stronger than very, very much! I could break walls, brick, reinforced concrete, and could no longer annoy me! " Jolan
" I want to move objects. That evening, I would take a book from my library and I would stay for hours and hours in bed. I'd scare people. I would take a pen and would fly before them. Their heads ... ! " Emma
" I could go out at night and steal the night. And I have a magic wand ! "Camille