Given the interest of this scene and character accessible to all, our users' committee to set aside a dozen seats at the group rate, or 18 € per person and 14 € for children under 26 years. The performance will take place at Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels (close to Central Station) at 15 pm on Sunday 13 April 2008 . The movement is not organized, but many of our members will make the journey by train, at the "weekend".
If you wish to benefit from the reduction "group", please register at the library ...
Silence Prévert "was given to office closed last season. Be prompt (s) if you want to live a moment ironic, tender and musical. We can increase the number of seats reserved by the committee until September 15, 2007 .
Anyway, please, tell us "Yes" with the heart but also with his head!
Veronica Penninck
Chairperson users Louis Public Library Scutenaire